I contacted the lovely Caragh from Triangle House to find out a bit more about the workshop. Caragh answered all of my questions which was just fantastic! I decided to invite a good friend of mine, Kate, from Exult Design who is extremely creative! Perfect girls night out.
We turned up at Triangle House and were greeted by the wonderful Pauline and ushered upstairs for delicious snacks and drinks. It was a lovely way to mingle and chat to Caragh, Pauline and other people who were also there for the workshop. We started the workshop with thinking about how each of our brains think. As expected, mine and Kate's answered were very different! It was a great way to get us thinking about what it means to be creative.
We then paired up and given an envelope. I am not great with surprises, so I was curious! Inside was newspaper, paper clips and rubber bands. Task-make the strongest and tallest tower you can. I really had to think about this, and I mean really think! This is not how my brain normally thinks. But I was intrigued in how to build this. We got there in the end, Kate was a great teacher. I found that once I got started I forgot about all my self doubt on my so called lack of creativity.
The next challenge was more envelopes, this time we had different items in the envelopes with instructions. I had to make a forest.....with construction paper and a stapler? My brain first went-are you kidding me? But once I got started, I was making the greatest little forest with folded paper.
In between these challenges we had great conversations about what is creativity. By the end of the evening after the fun challenges and wonderful conversations, my thoughts on creativity had changed. I thought to be "creative" you had to be able to draw or paint. It's not true, to be creative now for means to think outside the square, question your thoughts and to have a go at something new.
I absolutely loved that there was so much discussion going on with some amazing women around the table that really made me think and stretch my thoughts. I also loved that for the whole time, I didn't think about my children, chores that needed to be done, work etc. I was delving into something purely for me! I embraced being in the moment and have applied some of the things I have learnt about my self from this workshop in my home and work life.
I would highly recommend this course to so many people, from scientific thinkers like myself to those people who paint and draw! I can't wait to sign up for another one of the amazing workshops that Triangle House run. I have my eye on the jewelry making ones!
Love Leah xoxo
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